Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cool Hot Dogs, and Looking "Hot"

Yesterday, Chris came home from school and announced we needed to buy him some hot dogs and hot dog buns for school, they were going to have a solar BBQ at school. I told Chris to call his Dad and ask him to stop and buy the stuff he needed. A few minutes later he came back down stairs, I asked him if he'd called his dad. Chris informed me that he asked Greg to take him to the store. Greg came home from work and within 15 minutes Chris and his Dad were off to Walmart. I asked Greg to look at getting Chris some shorts (this really shocked him--and me--since I'm what Greg calls a Walmart snob. I hate that place, but desperate times...)

When they got home, Chris went directly to his room to try on his 2 pairs of new shorts. I went upstairs to put away groceries, and really didn't think too much of it until about 20 minutes later, when I was back downstairs (it was too hot to stay upstairs). Chris came and modeled his new clothes, and stated that he looked "hot". I didn't like that too much, the kid is only 12!! I asked Chris if he got everything he needed for the solar BBQ. He said that he did, then I had a thought and had to ask:

Me: Why did you have to pick out the hot dogs?

Chris: I just did.

Me: Why?

Chris: Because.

As you can tell, at this point Chris wasn't talking much.

Me: Because why? Isn't a hot dog just a hot dog?

Chris: sighing and rolling his eyes. No it's not, but I'm really excited to go to school tomorrow.

Me: Why are you excited to go to school tomorrow?

Chris: I look hot in my new clothes, and I have all the "right" stuff for the solar BBQ.

Me: What do you mean "all the right stuff"?

Chris: These are the nicer hot dogs, and my clothes make me look hot.

Me: Chris go to bed, your giving me a headache.

Since when has there been cool hot dogs? I must have missed the boat on that one! And why is my 12 year old calling himself "hot"? Isn't he too young for all that? When did all this happen? I went to bed feeling very, very old.


Heather said...

Good for Chris. He needs to feel "HOT".

BTW, You are old. He he he

Aly said...

So what kind of hot dogs are they? I want some!!!

Jenny said...

I learned when I married Alfredo that not all hot dogs are created equal. I grew up eating the cheap ones, but now we eat only Nathan's or Hebrew National. (I'm sure that at least part of this comes from Alfredo growing up Jewish, and Hebrew National are kosher. But Alfredo eats pork now...) Hebrew National are more expensive (by quite a bit) but they do taste better.

But I have no idea what kind of hot dogs are the "cool" ones?!

Funny story. How did their solar BBQ go?