Saturday, May 31, 2008

An Unusual Day At The Ball Park

Today we were at the ballpark (as usual) Chris did pretty well, he had fun so that's all that really matters. In between innings, the umpire Ken started to not feel good. His face turned gray (I never thought that could happen but it did) and he started to complain about having chest pain. 911 was called immediately. Ken told us that he was having really bad chest pain that was radiating down his arm. Things got really scary at that point. I called his wife and told her to come down to the field immediately, that was weird, I didn't really know what to say. I didn't want to freak her out more than necessary. The phone call went like this:

Me: Hi Lisa, this is Jill from Kearns Pony.

Her: Hi Jill how are ya?

Me: I'm fine, but Lisa we need you to come down here right now.

Her: Is it Ken?

Me: Yes.

Her: Did you need to call an ambulance?

Me: It's on it's way.

Her: I'm still in my pajamas, I'll need to get dressed.

Me; Lisa, we need you hear fast, okay?

Let me clarify something, before I made this phone call I asked Ken what he thought was happening. He said that he thought he was having a heart attack. When I went to call her I didn't know what to say, but I knew that telling her that her husband was having a heart attack over the phone was probably not a great idea.

Before the paramedics got there, Ken asked if someone could give him a blessing. I ran to get the oil that Greg keeps on his key chain, and Ken got his blessing. The paramedics showed up and started to take care of him. I have never been so happy to see emergency personnel. I went and stood in the parking lot waiting for Lisa. She pulled in and jumped out of her car and asked what happened? I told her that Ken thought he was having a heart attack, and all the color drained out of her face, and she ran off to Ken. Well, the paramedics started taking care of him, and they were off to the hospital.

I finish watching the game, but had a hard time concentrating. Later, Brandon (Ken's son) called to give Greg an update on how things were going. He told Greg that Ken did have a small heart attack at the field, but when he got to the hospital he had a major heart attack and had to be resuscitated, and he was on his way to surgery. Wow, what a day. I pray that Ken will pull through just fine.


The Wibergs said...

Yikes. I wouldn't want to have to make that call either! Hope he's ok!

I saw Chris today & he said you're good to go to work in 2 more weeks. Woohoo! Does that mean the pain is abating? We should celebrate. (I'll take any reason to play)

Aly said...

Holy Crap!!! That is so scary!!! I am glad he had the big one at the lucky is that!!

I second Carin...LET'S CELEBRATE!!!

Jill said...

I'm having a procedure on Friday afternoon, and we're all praying that it will do the trick. I've been telling the kids that I'm going back to work in 2 weeks. Trying to stay positive.