Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

I have been working, and working, and working. My schedule varies week to week, which I like (there are definate advantages) but I haven't had a true weekend in a long time.

Weekends at work can be very difficult. Saturday's are crazy busy, and Sunday's the store is full of what Cleber calls: "Godless people" (someone is ALWAYS difficult on Sundays). I really enjoy my work, but like I said, weekends are difficult.

Trish (bless her soul) gave me this weekend off. And it's been lovely. I got to sleep in yesterday till 9am (I'm usually up by 4:30am). Then I just hung around the house until Katie and I went to see Twilight yesterday afternoon. I really enjoyed the movie. It stayed much truer to the book than I expected, and I liked the casting. Nobody really looked like I pictured them in my head, but I thought they did a good job.

Then Katie and I rushed home and I watched THE BEST FOOTBALL GAME EVER!!!!!! I loved that game!!! It was perfect!!! Greg and Chris and I had a great time watching the game together.

This weekend has been so nice, I've even been able to see and talk to Greg. It feels like we never see each other now that I'm working again. I think Trish knew that I'd need a weekend to relax before Christmas. It was wonderful!!!! It's been a wonderful weekend.

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