Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Night With Friends and Indiana Jones

Last night Greg and I went out to dinner and to see the new Indiana Jones flick with about 14 of our friends and neighbors. We had a great time!!!

Being my fathers child, I was raised on Star Wars, James Bond (when I got older), Star Trek (I could only tolerate The Next Generation, and the movies), and Indiana Jones. So my hopes were high. I liked the movie. Greg said that it was a bit far-fetched (it kind of is). But when I reminded him that in the last installment Indi located the cup that Christ used to perform the sacrament at the last supper. We decided that ALL Indiana Jones movies are far-fetched. All I'll tell you is that you meet one or two new characters, and one or two return from Indi's past. I really enjoyed the movie, but it's defiantly a movie that you have to turn your brain off at the door.

I really needed to get out last night and be with friends. Being "sick" (I'm really in ALLOT of pain) I'm always alone. The kids are in school, and Greg is at work. The evenings are spent trying to keep things under control at home. And since I'm not driving, I don't go anywhere!! So being with friends, laughing and eating really lifted my spirits. So thanks Carin and Aly for remembering us, I really need to get out with friends. The only problem, is that when we left the movie, I was in a huge amount of pain. I came home and went to bed and had a hard time falling asleep and today, I'm really hurting. But to be honest, I don't really care. The only downside right now is that Greg and the kids have gone up to the shop, and they're going to the Blaze game tonight. I think, scratch that, I KNOW that would be too much for me.

One funny thing that happened last night: Greg has been obsessed with how old he's getting. I always tell him to get real, I believe, getting old is happening later in life. He tells me I'm nuts, but Greg is only 4 years older than me, so he can't be old. Right? Anyway, we got home, and fell into bed. I looked over at the clock, and it was only slightly past midnight, and I started to laugh. Greg asked me what was so funny. I asked him if he remembers when we were younger and could hang out with our friends until 2 or 3 in the morning, and then get up and have a full day of things to do? He said he did, then we both decided that those days are over!! He told me, that WE are both getting old, then he fell asleep. I nudged him awake and asked him if he missed those days (because I sure do) and he said "of course" then fell asleep. I guess I might be old,when I start talking about the "good ole days", but not really. Right?


The Wibergs said...

Glad you had fun last night. We enjoyed it to. It's good to just get out sometimes! That's funny that you both sacked out at midnight. We got home a little later (made a stop on the way home) and then stayed up & watched TV once home. This morning I woke up to the phone ringing at 10:30! Freak! Luckily my kids were just watching a movie and not tearing the place up.

Aly said...

It was fun, we should do that more often for sure!!!