Monday, November 10, 2008

My Best

With the Holiday Season upon us, I had to blog about my job.

I work retail. I'm the Logistics Supervisor (I'm a glorified dock worker, but I like it) for a major retail outlet. Every week I have to work Customer Service shifts as well.

SIDEBAR: Please be nice to all those who work retail this year! AND DON'T MAKE A HUGE MESS!!!!! Remember that somebody has to clean up after you. Also, DON'T LET YOUR KIDS RUN WILD WHILE YOU SHOP!!! I AM NOT A BABYSITTER!!!

Anyway, as I may have mentioned before, I have a boss that expects NOTHING but every ones best. That's not really a problem for me, I expect that of people on my shipment team. The only problem is that to my boss, every ones best is 150%, all the time. Everything has to be done, and done right, the way she sees things, and the way she wants things. That's not such a big deal, but it can be very stressful. Working retail and preparing for Black Friday is a daunting task. I have about a million things to do. Fluff Christmas trees, finish visual displays, decorate end caps, put up marketing, the list goes on and on and on!!!!!!!! I could work a 80 hour this week and not get everything done.

Yesterday was amazingly stressful. The store was a mess, and we had to get things put back together. I came home from work and yelled at my husband and kids (and they didn't deserve it) and cried. But I've decided something: I need to relax. (I know that comes as a shock to everyone who knows me.) I just need to work my hardest, and if things don't get done, oh well. My boss won't see it that way. But if I can look her in the eye and tell her I did my absolute best what else can I do?

Sidebar: My current boss, is the best boss I've ever had. Maybe having her expect so much isn't a bad thing, it's just incredibly stressful.


Chuck said...

Some tasks are just part of the job. Setting expectations is a key element to success in the business place.

I worked retail and I quickly learned what I didn't want to be when I grew up. You never get weekends off, you never get to shop on the day after Thanksgiving. You probably will work Christmas Eve, and who knows you may even ask to borrow my elf costume.

Now with joking aside.... be a servant leader, be the highest paid janitor, be the highest paid tree fluffer.

Can you take back my sweater I ordered online? That would be great customer service.

Aly said...

What would you do without my husband to tease and drive you bonkers?!

Probably have lower blood pressure and peace and quiet!!!

The Wibergs said...

Sorry about work.

But CUTE background!

Sarah said...

From retail worker to another... this is why I will never be management!