Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My addiction to Facebook

I just realized something, it's been over a week since I put a post on here, but I've been on my computer constantly. Why is that? I am an addict. I am addicted to Facebook. And I don't really know why.

I like to have interaction with my friends and co-workers. I like to be proactive and talk with them when I chose to. I love writing my blog, but all I feel like I do is drone on and on about something that is usually unimportant and then wait for someone to comment. On most posts I only get 1 or 2 comments, and I get so disappointed. I really don't get how people can get so many people to comment on their blogs. One blog I read is call NormalMormonHusbands and his posts generate over 100 comments. Of course his blog is much more entertaining than mine, but I don't even think my mother reads my blog. Basically I'm saying: my audience is small and my interaction with them is very limited. I love facebook because I can go online and see what my friends are doing or saying about themselves, and then I can interact with them if I chose to. And I can see so many more people. I looked up my high school graduating class, and got to read about so many people from high school. I thought this was really cool, until I realized that so many people have accomplished so much, and I have really accomplished so little in comparison. I don't recommend look up old classmates, it can get rather depressing.

So, you ask what did I do tonight? I chatted with a good friend about everything under the sun, and wasn't limited by the telephone. I could get up and tuck Kolbie into bed, use the bathroom, and brush my teeth, and it didn't interrupt my conversation at all. It was great. And when I say I talked to her all night, I really mean it. We started chatting at about 6pm and I logged of after 10 because I had to go to bed (what a joke that turned out to be, it 1:25am and I'm still not asleep)!

Greg asked me Sunday afternoon if there was a 12-step program for people who are addicted to Facebook, and "could we find a meeting or something to go to". What a funny guy. Right now, I like my little addiction to Facebook. My experience has been great (other than looking up old classmates). So keep up with Facebook, I really enjoy it. And you may also comment here too, I really enjoy that. It lets me know that someone reads my ramblings.


Heather said...

I too like facebook. I find that I don't comment a lot but I like to look and see what people are doing and have done. I especially like the pictures.

Sarah said...

Hi, my name is Sarah and I am addicted to facebook. It has been 2 minutes since I updated my status. I change my profile picture at least once a week, and I collect flair! (It isnt just you Jill!)

Unknown said...

I haven't jumped onto facebook yet and probably because I know I will become addicted! Just wanted to let you know that even though I don't comment a lot on your blog, I always enjoy reading what you have to say.

Jenny said...

I have a love/hate relationship with facebook. i like it for the reasons you mentioned, but i like blogs better because i feel like you get to know people better. so much of what people put on facebook is pretty impersonal/silly that i don't feel like it lets me get to know them as well as blogs. but it is nice to have the interaction. anyway, i like reading your blog.

The Wibergs said...

Hey Jill. I've been a complete computer addict and have had to cut WAY back! I'm still checking your blog weekly, but facebook I have to stay away from--or I just get sucked in and suddenly 2 hours have gone by and I've done nothing productive. Yikes! (And I complain I don't have time. Whatever!) Glad you're loving it!

The Wibergs said...
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Pistolmom said...

I'm addicted too! Please check out these blogs and pass along, especially to the Men!!!


Aly said...

I was becoming very addicted to facebook, but over the last week I have cut back considerably (kind of for the same reason Carin said...I need to get other things done). I enjoy reading your blog!