Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Memory Lane...

I can't sleep so here's a new post:

When I first started blogging I thought that getting tagged was so fun, but now, not so much. But this one is fun!!


1. As a comment on my blog, post a memory that you and I share.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll do my best to return the favor and leave a memory about you!!

I'm excited to see what happens with this -- it could be really fun!!


Aly said...

Well, I have a ton of memories with you!!!

A really nice one was when I was working like 10 hour days trying to get my house fixed back up so that we could live in it again, and you came up to help paint base boards and you made us dinner...BLT'S if I remember right!!!

Thanks for being such an awesome friend...you're always so thoughtful to call and check on us (something I'm not very good at).

~Love Ya

Jenny said...

The memory that pops out at me is going to girls camp with you and Heather about 4 years back. Heather was the camp director and I was in young womens and Heather asked you to come along and help supervise. Girls camp is always so fun and it was fun getting to know you a little better. It was nice too, because I felt like the three of us worked well together and balanced each other out... we each had different strengths and I think all of the girls had a great time.

Betsy said...

My memory of you was driving up to the women's getaway at Jackie Simper's sister-in-law's cabin. You were relating some story about Chris acting up at Artic Circle.

Also you humbled me when you called and asked my permission to use me in a sacrament talk. I was so surprised and humbled by it.

The Wibergs said...

My first memory of you was about 5 years ago at a super saturday activity. You came and sat at a table I was at & worked on painting a really cute door decoration -- I think it was a thanksgiving one with pilgrims on it, but not sure. I was jealous at how good you were at that. I can't draw or paint...well except for abstract. I've got that down.

Sarah said...

This will be very short. 15 years old and Jill yells across the room at her birthday party "Sombody hit her!"

Anonymous said...

You were 2 months old and I dropped you off the diving board into the deep water at moms and tots swimming lessons. The memory is called TERROR - and WHAT WAS I THINKING !!!