Monday, September 15, 2008

Hi-HoHi-Ho--Off To Work I Go

Well, today is the big day. And I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm so nervous I'm shaking! I feel like I'm going to the most important job interview of my life! I've started reading Dr. Stephen Covey, and listening to his seminars on tape. In short: I'm going insane! I just called my sister and we had the "what if this" and "what if that" conversation. She said "What if you go into your meetings and things are just fine." I wish that I could say that my day if going to be filled with customers, replenishment, working on markdowns, folding t-shirts and jeans, but unfortunatley I'm going to spend the day in meetings. What fun. I'm still really jittery and I don't know if it's because I'm still have a bad reaction to my meds, or I might just be nervous.

Who knows?


Heather said...

I am sure all will go well. I look forward to hearing how things went.

The Wibergs said...

So, how'd it go?