Monday, August 25, 2008

Safe At Home

Well, today was the first day of school. And it was a tramatic day for me, not the kids, not Greg, just me. Infact, the kids were so excited I didn't even have to wake them up this morning, I'm sure that won't last too long. The kids got ready for school without any help from me, and were out the door.

I had a doctors appointment. My implant was programmed and my stitches were removed (I'm glad I don't have to do that again any time soon). I'm going to be going off my meds YIPEE!!!!!! Anyway, I got home and the house was just too quiet, and I didn't like it at all.

I spent the afternoon reading and then I heard the sirens. I kept thinking: "Would I be able to hear sirens from the Jr. High?" "What if something has happened, with Chris in Jr. High the kids aren't together anymore." And on and on and on. It got so bad I called Greg and Aly to ask them if I'd be able to hear the sirens if they were at the Jr. High. Nothing happened, but I'm a worrier by nature, thanks Dad.

Anyway, Chris came home and ran straight to the bathroom, apparantley today was 7th Grade Mob Day, and he was scared he was going to get beaten up if he went to the bathroom. ???? Long story short, he was fine, he had a good day and he seemed happy.

Then, the girls got home. They were so happy. Kate loves her teachers and Kolbie is so excited to be in Miss Curtis' class. So basiclly everybody had a good first day of school. 1 down 180 to go.

I was just in the front room laying on the couch listening to my children playing playstation, looking for an afterschool snack, and searching for a pair of lost flip-flops, and I was ......happy. I was happy to have my children safe at home. We're all so busy all the time, it was just great to have the kids home, happy and safe. The only thing that would have made that moment more perfect would have been to have Greg here with us.

Carin, my friend drove me to my doctors appointment and we were talking about some issues that are in the news, and later I was talking to my sister and it got me thinking about having a safe place to fall. I have been critical of friends who I felt couldn't let go of their kids at all, but maybe I've been a little too eager to let go. Maybe the best thing for my kids is to be safe at home. I know I can't keep them little forever, but what's wrong with not wanting my kids to be too jaded to soon? Having them here with me today, I literally felt at peace. But maybe I'm making more of Jr. High than I really need to. Who knows? Maybe it's okay to let go of your kids in somethings, but hold tight to them in others.

Why did I feel like I was sending Chris into a battle zone when he left for school today?


The Wibergs said...

Love the new look Jill. Very cute. I enjoyed our chat today. Thanks for putting up with (my)Kate and all her questions!

Aly said...

I am glad that you survived! Kolbie told us all about her first day...sounded like lots of fun:)